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[Top up Event] Summer RPs Spent + Raffle

Greetings Shiltzians!

Today we bring you a new Special Summer RPs Spent!!

2500 RPs = 2x Growth Box
5000 RPs = 2x Growth Box + Spring Succession Order
10000 RPs = 2x Growth Box + Spring Succession Order + Vulcanus Special Toolbox + 5x Fixed Stone Option tickets

Additionally, all players that reach 2500 RPs spent will automatically enter a raffle for a chance to win the following rewards:

1 Winner = [Fly] Moonlight Angel Kitsune
1 Winner = +12 Refinement Ticket
2 Winners = Double Spend Rewards (2x RPs spent rewards)
3 Winners = [Untradeable] Albereo's Special Toolbox

Also, accounts that reach 10000 RPs will have double the chances to win (participation will be considered 2x)

Remember that there will be 7 Winners in total 

Only Item mall purchases and Grabbit will be eligible for the Event.

Hurry up! All the purchases that you make from July 20th until July 26th 00:00 PDT will be able to participate.

Love Seal^^
Seal B.o.D. Team
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